Chambers of Commerce Unite to Support Business-Friendly Legislation
Eight chambers of commerce in Southeastern Massachusetts have joined forces in a unique coalition designed to promote regional interests and business-friendly legislation. The Southeastern Massachusetts Legislative Alliance of Chambers (SEMLAC) includes the following chambers: Bristol County, Cape Cod Canal Region, Cranberry Country, Sandwich, SouthCoast, Taunton Area, Tri-Town and United Regional.
This effort constitutes an expansion of an initiative spearheaded by the Bristol County Chamber, the Cape Cod Canal Region Chamber and the SouthCoast Chamber last year. SEMLAC was formed to provide a more significant voice for the region on Beacon Hill and with our Congressional delegation.
The alliance works on a consensus model and only weighs in on issues of importance to the region and only speaks as an alliance when all participant chambers have agreed on a position. Each chamber is also free at any time to weigh in on any issue separately and apart from the alliance should the group not reach agreement on any particular position.
For 2018, the SouthCoast Chamber will serve as the coordinating entity for the group as it forms, but all chambers will have the opportunity to take on that role on a rotating basis. SEMLAC will prepare an annual work plan and legislative agenda to be presented to each chamber’s respective boards of directors for approval. Once approved, SEMLAC will meet in person or by conference call on a monthly basis to discuss issues of importance that speak directly to the approved annual agenda, form a collective opinion and choose the best form of communicating with legislators, their members and the public.
This alliance is an important step in advancing issues in Massachusetts. SEMLAC presents the opportunity to speak with one voice, representing thousands of businesses throughout the region. Eight chambers separately lack the clout at times to make a difference. Together, we are both strong and can make a difference for our members by speaking for thousands of businesses, not hundreds.
SEMLAC has begun discussions regarding the many ballot propositions to be addressed in November 2018 and intends to issue statements regarding those propositions when ready.
The Southeastern Massachusetts Legislative Alliance of Chambers [SEMLAC] is comprised of the following chambers of commerce: Bristol County, Cape Cod Canal Region, Cranberry Country, Sandwich, SouthCoast, Taunton Area, Tri-Town and United Regional Chambers of Commerce. SEMLAC represents the business interests of the communities each chamber serves and addresses policy issues of importance to the region as a whole.