Jack Lank has been President/CEO of our chamber since 2006. In 2019, the New England Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives named Jack Chamber Executive of the year. He served as President for this organization in 2015 and is currently an executive board member.
Jack also serves as a member of the U.S. Chamber Foundation Board of Trustees. He is past president of the Mass Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives and is a current board member. He serves on the Board of Directors for the Tri-County RVTHS Education Foundation, is a board member of the Southeast Massachusetts Visitors Bureau, a board member of the Southeast Mass Alliance of Chambers of Commerce, and board member and Treasurer for the Make-A-Splash Foundation.
Jack is a former Chair of the Winter Board of Regents for the U.S. Chamber’s Institute of Organization Management, former Board member of New Hope, Inc., former Executive Director of Attleboro’s Wednesday night market, and former Vice President of the Attleboro area School-to-Career Partnership. Before coming to the Chamber, Jack was Vice President of Alexander Mortgage for 10 years. He lives in Attleboro and has three grown children Shannon, John, and Jessica.